The Heart of the Moment
A sea of change
Moves flows of intention from the seer
And with this transcendental deluge
Our world is made new
Destruction, de-struct
So that one can then instruct
From a higher place of self
No self, or perhaps better described as
The self that sees itself from within the heart
Here is where we are at
Head-space is replaced by Heart-space
My heartshaped cup runneth over
Manifesting forms of love as highest excitement
Bears and martens and man oh my
Pour more love into the cup, and what do you get?
The bear responds:
“It is in the state knowing of my own true nature that I can most love my naked bear-ness. Feeling enamored of my strength, not from bear-ego, but from the branch of the highest tree in Bear Valhalla, and I create from a place of love of me, and to see that me again but with the imbued wisdom of living my greatest bear life.”
Followed by the marten:
“My sinuous and elegant form, how I feel supported by the gift of ground, moving through the lowland such that the experience is earthy and I am connected to Mother. Some call me solitary, but what is missing from that label is the transcendent state grounding affords me. Solitary is my soul, grounded to the state of oneness to the All-Marten.”
And finally, the man:
“I savor each of my nows drinking from this cup that I poured myself full of love. I consume that which the vessel holds, but not before looking at my reflection in the cup, a silvery mercuric surface holding the image of my face, an expression of de-light before the light enters my mouth, down my throat, and into the luminous heart-shaped box I found inside the outside of me.”
And in the end, which was also the beginning, the bear, the marten and the man, walked akimbo, passing rainbow-shaped boxes and moment-based rainbows along the path to the created and the creation, not entirely certain, but mostly so, that each was dreaming the other into being.
And with almost perfect coincidence, the bear and the marten turned to the man, with sudden awe and awareness of the profound universal truth that like them, the Heart and the Moment walk akimbo too. Why? asked man, and the two, bear and marten responded in near perfect harmony, “For no other reason than to experience the outside of time, whilst making Love, from scratch.”