How I Help - Modalities for Your Healing, Growth & Expansion

The Modalities (QHHT, Clinical Hypnosis and Reiki)

(1) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Dolores Cannon, visionary and author, developed her technique of hypnosis over 40 years. She departed from the clinical standard of her time by going beyond the state of “alpha” and taking clients into hypnagogia. It is in the hypnogogic state that one can access deeper aspects of human consciousness. I learned this fact through more than 20 years of practice and training with Tibetan Buddhist Masters and Indigenous Healers, in the U.S., India, China and Tibet.

From within these deeper states of consciousness, the client can access what Buddhist meditators call the 8th Consciousness, otherwise known as the Storehouse Consciousness, and others call the Akashic Records. Within physics, it has been described as the 6th Dimension (see, e.g., Hawking, Hertog, and Ouspensky).

Access into the 6th Dimensional awareness is facilitated by the QHHT Practitioner using Dolores Cannon’s approach. From that place, information can be collected and answers received directly by the client. The client also accesses their “SC.” This SC is a Superconsciousness, an aspect of the client that is a profoundly wise, compassionate, and plural consciousness. The SC always refers to the client in the third-person, and in the plural first-person (“we” or “our”). No matter which client is in session, the SC sounds like the same Being. They always continue on themes that were a part of the prior QHHT session, picking up where they left off thematically. For example, since April 2023, they have been providing information to me on the “Now” moment.

(2) Clinical Hypnosis / Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnosis is used for releasing of old, outdated beliefs, and creating new action and understanding for the future. Hypnotherapy translates from the Latin "therapeau” which means “God’s work” while in a higher state of consciousness. In clinical hypnosis, I work with the client to bridge two states of consciousness. In some cases, we are working with the clearing of old frequencies based in outdated beliefs and habits, and in other cases, we are connecting the mind into new potentials. This type of hypnosis is available in (A) an unassisted session (no medicine), or (B) an assisted session (with medicine). (B) is a Psychedelic-Assisted Hypnosis with Ketamine package available through RVA Regenerative in Midlothian, VA. Both are highly effective for creating change, with the effectiveness being largely driven by the client’s existing belief system. Clients chose (A) or (B) based upon which approach feels “right” to them.

Clients seek these services for:

  • Releasing the Fear of [fill in the blank]

  • Better Sleep

  • Sexual Fulfillment

  • Past Life Regression

  • Alcohol Cessation

  • Releasing Anxiety

  • Attracting Abundance

  • Increased Confidence

  • Developing a Sense of Humor

  • Ending a Relationship

  • Enhancing Creativity

  • Finding Lost Objects

  • Infertility

  • Finding a Soul Mate

  • Sexual Fulfillment

  • Expanding of Consciousness into Beyond Time

  • Developing or Enhancing Psychic Abilities

  • Accessing the Higher Self

  • Increasing Ki or Power in the Subtle Energy Field

  • Calling in Gifts for Service to Others

  • Powering Up One’s Universal Life Force for Healing of Self or Others

  • Seeing Auras

  • Accessing the Akashic Records

  • Seeing the Mandala Effect

  • Seeing Indra’s Jeweled Net or the Interconnectedness of Reality

(3) Reiki

Reiki, a Japanese healing and spiritual art, is passed on from teacher to student. It translates to Universal Life Force Power. Kimla directs this Universal Life Force (“Ki”) through electromagnetic fields in her hands, or by way of gamma waves in remote situations (e.g., over Zoom). Biofield Imaging (to the right) shows the effectiveness of this modality, increasing the frequency and amplitude of the energy in the client’s body, releasing energetic blocks that can be experienced as pain, any form of mental, emotional or physical suffering and imbalance. She is a founding Reiki Master Teacher of the Art of Reiki Collective, and teaches and attunes students through Reiki I, II, Master, and Reiki Master Teacher levels.

The Objective Measure

Before Reiki

After Reiki

Biofield Imaging is the capture of the Subtle Energy system using Biophotons emitted from your body. These biophotons are measured, and the frequencies are expressed in the images as a color. Red and fuchsia that are coming off the skin (not clothes) are blocks in the flow of energy. Green, blue, gold and white are high frequencies where the flow of energy is unrestricted. Unrestricted energy is the same as wellness, and a life free of pain, in all its many forms. [Images above used with express, generous permission of the client.]

In these two Biofield Images, one can see that Kimla and her teacher H.E. Kenpo Karthar Rinpoche have similar resting Biofield frequencies as a result of the Subtle Energy practices both trained in.

When working with the Subtle Energy System, one receives a maximum transfer of energy (i.e., max amplitude imparted) when the driving frequency equals the resonant frequency of the driven system. How does this apply to healing modalities? When we use Subtle Energy for the purpose of healing, or spiritual practice, we can see that when the teacher or healer holds a high frequency, they can drive the system, bringing up the frequency of the client or student. When that teacher or healer connects with higher frequencies, and has the capacity to hold or channel those higher frequencies, they will be able to drive the frequency shift upwards within the phase relationship of the client or student’s Subtle Energy System.