Hard Lessons from the
Tantric Section of the Spiral
When we change our perspective, a circle viewed from one dimension becomes a vortex in four. The circle is elegant, simple, but it keeps us on a loop within one dimensional thinking. Our thoughts in the circle get trapped by a process of re-circulation in one direction, over and over and over.
What if we add another dimension to the circle? What if we add a few? When we add another dimension to the circle, we fill it, and it becomes a disk. When we add depth, we get a cone. Add yet another dimension, say time, we see the spiral, there is movement and momentum - movement through the Moment of Now. The spiral emerges, as if it had always been there. Our circle now shows qualities of depth and change, and it is so much more. And yet, we can see its first dimensional nature still. This is the physics of our soul.
Spirals connect us. They are portals. We ride them. They can take us deep into the Past, or the Future, or more fully into the Present. The quality of the spiral, its function is that it lifts us. This upward movement becomes a beloved character in our story. The hero, or in my case, heroine (and not the drug heroin, a suspicious homophone) enters, and nothing, before or after, is ever the same. One can see the biases of the collective within these dimensions, to see trajectories of suffering, or their antidotes. One sees how the feminine has been repressed, how that has been built into our language (heroin vs. heroine), and how the masculine has shut down its most powerful portal - the heart. Mankind is no longer kind because its heart has been taught the wrong things.
But. If we still our minds enough, and use this portal that was built into our hearts, we can go beyond any block, blasting up, passing through one dimensional space, the line, the event horizon. If we can surrender fully to and into the universe, to ultimate reality, we will see finally the 0 dimension - which has always been there, it's just that we couldn't find it...we were desperately lost, confused, ignorant. Because the 0 is the One, the Source, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, it contains all that is, and was, and can ever Be. Some call this God. Others, Source. Still others find the Yin-Yang symbol. Tibetan Buddhists call it Ultimate Bodhichitta (bodhi meaning "perfect wisdom" and chitta meaning "mind without memory"). What name will you call it when you find it? What name will you call it when you fall in love, and know that person to be you? What name will you give it when showing others the way on their journey back to who they truly are, to mind without memory, merged into perfect wisdom?
The choice to be lifted, and to lift, changes the nature of our relationship to reality. It is only from above that we can see our own desire for repetition and the safety it affords. To ride the spiral, accelerating up, is to let go of that safety. When we ride the spiral, we transcend the lower dimensions, and flow into greater dimensionality, in a journey of becoming our imbued meaning. Love is love and nothing actually exists except love. You my friend can never fail to find yourself as this love because no matter where you are, you are a part of a whole, and the whole itself simultaneously. This poem will help you re-member. Money-back guaranteed.
When I was younger
I found myself in love with a man
and he with me
a wanting of the other
outside of earthbound time
but, inside of time’s earthly construct,
my lover would brandish
his fiancé
like a sword
stabbing my heart
with the blade of her
until my soul
lost its brightness
and the thing in the center of my chest
became a redless organ
losing its will to receive
the blood of life
I wanted nothing more to do with
the politics of lovers
breaking their future contracts
of bondage
I wanted nothing more than to
take back my heart
to heal its wounds
and teach it new lessons
I wanted nothing more
of him.
I wanted nothing.
No thing.
Time flows, upstream
When I was wiser
having learned my hardest lessons
and having healed my tantric wounds
I found a man
and he found me
the word love being not enough
to explain the suchness
of this discovery
a felt experience of moving
along a golden ratio of expansion
from this movement, I became, realized, finding that we are found, again, and again,
along a spiral of time
pausing the wheel in the moment, to be:
as octopus and swimmer
as navigator and explorer
as mountain and her climber
as constellation and his earth
as all these lovers entwined
as a becoming in the space before dreams
and the forms that take their shape after
a singular infinitum of lessons
spring forth from the play of love
re-creating in each re-imagining
the seed and the sunflower
the nautilus and its animal
Pollock and his poured patterns
a square of ocean
you and me
Photo - PSYCHIC ENERGY SYSTEM - ALEX GREY (c) All Rights Reserved