Explorer’s Log - Meditation Journal - “The Nakura”

A deep bow to you for accepting the challenge of receiving this account of cosmic consciousness. 

I do hope my journey, in some small way, is useful to you in your own adventures into the nature of reality. You are, in fact, the fuel for my own.



Thursday, September 29 

8:11- 9:15 am

I began at 8:11 am, working on The Nakura meditation ("Na-koo-ra"). "Na" meaning meditation, and "Kura" or Gateway to Eternity. This meditation's lineage is born from the Arcturians, and it is a practice handed down in that civilization for millions of years. It works this way. You place your consciousness above your crown chakra, at the point where one finds their 8th chakra. To align to it, I place my hands in a prayer mudra (Añjali Mudrā), and lift my hands and arms over my head. Closing my eyes, I scan for alignment by both feeling into that alignment, as well as any other cues. This morning, as I moved my arms slightly forward and backward, raising and lowering them just above my head, I found a clair-seeing cue - a bright white dot that came into my third eye when the alignment was just right, like a beam of clear light or illuminated tip of a diamond. I rested there for a moment, to anchor my awareness, and to bring in clear light as a protective field. I also felt into my body, to sense the connection, and notice how it felt. The feeling was of expansion, so I knew I found the sweet spot.

I lowered my arms, and placed my hands into the Dhyana mudra. This mudra brings one into deeper, more expansive concentration, and I use it frequently. 

Gently, I rested my awareness in the space of the 8th chakra, which is a placement quite different than single-pointed concentration. The 8th chakra has been referred to as the soul chakra or soul star chakra. The vortex at this location connects one with unconditional love, the frequency of transcendence of the Earth-bound individuated self. 

As I kept my focus open at the location of this vortex, I experienced what could be described as the opening of a portal. 

First, a bright blue streak was seen, a blue that seemed unlike blues I have found before, more vivid, with an internal luminosity. Then a linear series of other forms arose. In some cases, I recognized the forms as having been seeded from a prior experience, like when you see a person, and then, that night, they find their way into your dreaming. In other cases, the forms were quite unfamiliar. The forms included a man in white dancing, and running towards me. After that, I moved to a completely different scene, a uniquely separate vibration, and I watched as a creature moved along in some kind of unseen liquid, holding a soft and globulous form, with what appeared to be a mouth, a full one-third of its body, opening and closing, as if looking for something. My consciousness moved again, and I glimpsed the most remarkable flower, transparent with pink tones, and shimmering light around it as it opened, one petal at a time. At the last scene, I was in darkness, my perspective high above a vast city of lighted buildings, very tall, reaching into the sky. The entire space of that sky was a deeply-felt lapis lazuli. 

As an experience, there was more to the forms than what I experience in my everyday reality. Each scene had what could be described as a luminosity, an expansiveness and lightness of being joined to form. Another way of describing it is this - you know you are not in Kansas anymore. 

I move out of meditative equipoise after approximately one hour, and bring my awareness back into my physical experience. For ten minutes after exiting meditation, the vibratory quality of the Nakura meditation remained in my body. This feeling, in a general sense, is like a symphony of strings being playing a certain way - millions of strings. I do not yet have the ability to discriminate between the individual strings, but I can differentiate between large categories of experiences, relative comparisons between meditative practices. This experience was similar, but not identical to the MerKaBa. The MerKaBa, also spelled "Merkabah" comes from a Hebrew word meaning chariot or vehicle. In that visualization, one takes two intersecting tetrahedrons and rotates them in opposite directions, thereby creating a three-dimensional energy field. With the MerKaBa meditation, one's consciousness is protected by the three-dimensional energy field, and with that protection, one can travel to other dimensions, if other limiting vibrations have been overcome. 

In this first attempt, I did not achieve the full experience of entering through the Kura. The portal was open, and I was looking into it from a distance. I will continue these explorations with enthusiasm, happy with some success on the first day. I am reminded of a line from Laozi's Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing - that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In my case, the step was sitting my ass on the cushion. 

Saturday, October 1

9:00 - 10:15 am

I have a very excellent meditation chair, a chair that originated from India, and reliably marketed as the "King of Meditation Cushions." It possesses this title due to its two-tier seating system, with high back and curved back cushion. Ironically, I rarely use it. My personal preference for sitting in extended meditation is an overstuffed comfy chair, something you would find in your grandpa's house, with high arms and back, that I sink into. The chair has a solid, structured form, and yet, it is soft, enveloping me with safety and warmth, feelings particularly useful when attempting to venture into unknown portions of the universe. 

Today, as I set myself into the chair, I begin by clearing myself, as there is a large volume of third-dimensional feelings and thoughts arising. I then use the Añjali Mudrā to find the 8th chakra, and align to it. I bring my arms down into Dhyana mudra. It takes about 15 minutes, but once I am rested and settled, I see the blue streak again. Best to keep an eye on this, to note it, and to see if a pattern emerges beyond the second appearance. 

I then see the opening of the portal, and it moves away, into the distance. Then another portal emerges, and that one also moves away, into the far distance. This sequence continues, portals emerging, then flowing away, and it reminds me of the way airport runway approach lighting moves, the action of direction while staying in one place.

But my attention is not where it should be, and my focus moves back into Earth-bound time, and into my 6th chakra, my third-eye. This is where my attention wants to be, which is an interesting development, as just above, at my 8th chakra, there is nothing less than a portal to the universe. Nevertheless, I go with this calling to be with the energies of the Earth, and allow for this relative perspective, and re-orient to receive what wants to emerge. My attention is now captured by a story. The story is illusion, but it is also relative truth. So, I enter into the story. 

Here is my story. A few weeks prior to this day, a friend of mine, Heather, led me through a past life regression. In this particular regression, I was living in a town along the eastern slopes of Kyoto, in 1733. I stood outside the Shinkuden, a women dressed as a man. I was within a sangha that studied Zen Buddhism. At the time, the study and practice of the secret teachings of the lineage were reserved for the men, and so, I had come from another village disguised as a man, to learn these secrets. As I was about to enter into the hall, to receive my first set of mystery school teachings, I was quite excited. I was also conflicted, as the hiding of my gender was causing inner conflict. I felt shame at the need to be outwardly false, of disguising who I was, shame for my choice, and shame for this spiritual community's inequity. On this day, October 1, 2022, nearly 290 years later, reflecting on this was on the forefront of my mind. Ironically, as I start the Conscious Heart Institute, with its energy healing, spoon bending, telepathy, and trance states, I can sense a freedom to do this while being authentically myself. 

A lot has changed since 1733, even while 1733 is also very much Now.

Monday, October 3

8:50 - 9:50 pm

Today, as I enter into the state of viewing the portal opening, I can see a waterfall of stars. This is the most remarkable sight, and entirely unexpected - being close to celestial bodies in energetic movement, tangible flow, yet, relating to gravity. The sight was beheld within a kind of expanded space, not of Earth. I am, for once, without words. The feeling was of grandeur, of a scale my human eyes could not have seen. This, it seems, is a sight reserved for human consciousness itself. This beauty fuels my inner wonder of being without a reference point for its creation.

Mary Oliver asked that we keep some room in our heart for the unimaginable. My heart today is now full, entirely.


In the days that have past since "seeing" this waterfall of stars, my mind often turns back to it, re-imagining it, and holding it, for just a little longer. 

Wednesday, October 5

4:34 - 5:15 pm

I have been wanting to switch up the time of day in which I practice this particular meditation, so today, I waited until the afternoon. This felt like a fine time for me, although I was a bit sleepy, and...that is a good reason to sit up in the chair. So, again, it took me about 15 minutes to get into the groove. But, sure enough, after that time, the moving portal began to open, and move away, open and move away...I became bolder than in days past. I said, to myself, and to my higher self, let's do this. I am ready to move fully into the portal. Immediately, and I mean, within under a second, the vibrations in my body increased, like someone had suddenly turned a dial way up. These were full body vibes, and I could feel the whole of me pulsing in union. My eyelids were closed, but my eyes began to move as if in REM. My breathing seemed to be non-existent, except when I turned my attention to the idea of if I am breathing at all, and then, and only then do I take a breath. It reminds me of the philosophical thought experiment, "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" If I am not breathing, and my consciousness is in another dimension, do I even need oxygen? Slightly different thought experiment, but with non-local consciousness, it seems anything is possible. 

The vibrations continue to increase, as if my consciousness is gearing up, leveling up, to a high enough vibration to achieve the desired result. There is no sense of time, and no imagery from which to have a reference point. I rest in this state, like an astronaut awaiting the moment they will break through gravity, and emerge into the exosphere. There is nothing to do but rest here until it is time.

This goes on, and on, this cosmic acclimatization. There is nothing else in my awareness but the vibrations - no thought forms. I am in resting in emptiness, the Void, beyond the hypnogogic state.

I reach the Earth-bound pre-designated time that dictates that I must end the meditation. With this realization of this previously-set scheduling intention, I come out of the vibration. I need to ground, so I pull at my ear lobes, the confluence of many of the subtle body's meridians. 

Close today, but no cigar-shaped UFO.

Perhaps it is Earth that is my work, my mission, my Now home. I am drawn back to Her, again, and again. As all here are.


The Sutra of the Moon


Be Yourself Medicine Buddha