Your session will involve a process which allows you to access your Higher Self or True Self so that it can offer you the answers you seek. I use Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to guide you into the state of consciousness that taps into the “storehouse consciousness” or the Ālaya-vijñāna, allowing awareness of past lives, as well as parallel realities. Dolores Cannon perfected this technique, which brings the client into direct communication with the Unity Consciousness Dolores referred to as the “SC.”

During the session, we will tap into and increase the capacity of the pipeline between you and your superconscious awareness, this SC. Within that connected state, the SC can balance your subtle energy system, and access universal life force or "qi" for profound healing. I have become familiar with the SC over many sessions of my own that match what Dolores reported in her books. It is a wise plural consciousness that speaks through many individual clients. It always refers to the client in the third-person, and knows everything about the client, in all lives, past or parallel. It also has the ability to heal at all levels of body, mind, and spirit.

How does it work? Operating at the level of quanta, and visible in biological systems through the detection of ultraweak photon emissions, consciousness operates non-locally. Contemplative and meditative traditions allow for mastery of the access into this storehouse consciousness by cultivating stability and focus. I guide you into this state through a process of “entrainment” where you will tap the storehouse consciousness using a technique developed and refined over 40 years by Dolores Cannon. Within the sessions I have led, remarkable experiences can occur, from fushia, blue or white orbs entering the space, to mediumship involving a loved one that has transitioned, to physical healing facilitated by the SC that is not explainable through conventional terms.

What is the process like? You begin the process by creating a strong intention to become whole. Suffering, disquietude, and the learning emotions driven by fear are transient, and only exist for the experience of learning. The human’s birthright is freedom, and the supreme love that wholeness manifests.

A week to several days before your session, you will develop a list of questions for which you desire the answer. The average number of questions my clients bring is 10, but please bring more or less according to your intuition. The following is a list of example questions from clients.

  • What is the purpose of my life at this stage?

  • Will I meet a soul mate within this lifetime?

  • Do I have karma left to process and how do I do that?

  • How can I experience more joy and abundance in my life?

  • I feel I am repressing past trauma, am I?

  • Do I have any blocks to my spiritual evolution?

  • How should I move forward with my romantic partnership?

  • I feel that I have a strong magnetic connection to an individual. What is the origin of it?

  • I don’t feel like I fit or belong in this life. Do I have connections to other star systems or realities? What are they?

Past/Future/Parallel Life regression is an experience of “re-membering.” We remember the aspects of us that lead us into wholeness. Our re-membering always takes us to the Now Moment that has information we need for becoming whole in this lifetime. For example, I have had sessions involving clients who have profound and life-altering experiences by remembering lifetimes as:

  • an Angel named Mika

  • an Egyptian peasant turned leader

  • a Roman officer and an excavation worker (bi-located)

  • a Soul re-grouping after physical death with its Soul Group

  • a romantic partner from this life that has just transitioned

  • a member of the Eleusinian Mystery School

  • an Energy Healer from Arcturus

  • a cloud of consciousness within the formation of a galaxy

  • A humanoid living on a planet with two suns, in community around a black obsidian-like pyramid

  • 11th Dimensional Beings of Light

  • Oneness with the Godhead or Source

  • Christ Consciousness

  • Enoch

What is the “SC”? During the final portion of the client’s experience, they will meet the “SC.” Dolores Cannon called this aspect that comes through during the QHHT session the subconscious, because there was no word that matched what she observed in traditional clinical hypnotherapy. Dolores found a unity consciousness, with boundless wisdom. I too observe this unity consciousness in my sessions. The SC that comes through has a singular wisdom, and yet refers to itself in the plural, is humorous, direct, and knows everything about the client, and the client’s other lifetimes. This is true for each and every client. There appears to be one SC that speaks through all of my clients. One unity consciousness speaking through many.

Upon booking a session, you will receive an email with instructions on how to prepare for the session.