
Hypnosis and Healing for Personal Emergence into the Higher Self


We live within cycles of cycles. As a new phase of life approaches, we can step into it boldly, realizing our most authentic nature by riding the spiral.

Hypnosis + Healing

The Meta-Cycle process engages the client at the level of awareness that knows itself authentically. Kimla entrains with the client using transpersonal hypnosis protocols to allow the placement of awareness into the ideal frequential zone.

Within this state of awareness, intuitional healing takes place, with the hypnotist acting as the conduit or “step-down transformer” for pranic channeling and either local or non-local pulsed electromagnetic field therapy using Reiki as the subtle energy modality.

From within the deepest state possible for the client, information is solicited by the asking of questions developed by the client. These questions can touch on any aspect of their curiosity about who they are, and the means and methods of moving forward into a state of total authenticity. The questions can be about work, home, self-knowledge, relationships. and transitioning into wholeness and total health. Meta-Cycle recognizes that our awareness cycles in a circular orientation, with a potential upwards spin, a spiral, as a fractal of consciousness, driven by functional awareness, focus, and the heart. When the client recognizes the patterns of their embodiment, they have the power to direct their lived momentum into the upward trajectory of the spiral, preferentially choosing from within the Now Moment.

Example Client Questions for Meta-Cycle Session:

  1. Do I hold any blocks to my individual happiness, wellness or wholeness?

  2. I would like to shift my work into a new field. Can I support myself and my family doing that?

  3. How might I use Time and the Now Moment to enhance my experience of life?

  4. Where are my skills, talents, and abilities best applied?

  5. Can I tap into more creativity?

  6. How can I cultivate my awareness of this multi-dimensional reality?

  7. I feel that I am entering into a new cycle of my life. How can I optimize the experience of this and expand my heart into its fullness?

  8. How might I let go of any disquietude, impatience or attachment to outcome?