“I feel like I am jacked up on wisdom.” QHHT Client

My name is Kim (“Kimla”) Desrosiers (meaning “many roses”). I am a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher or “Dai-Shihan” and teacher of the Subtle Energy System.

I specialize in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (in Charlottesville and Midlothian, VA only). I also offer Past Life and Higher Self hypnosis experiences at The Monroe Institute and over Zoom.

I train others in Reiki (online and in Charlottesville), and in the reading and mastery of Subtle Energy. This training is through The Monroe Institute, Drala Mountain Center, and The Art of Reiki Collective.

I also provide Higher Self Coaching, and Space Holding for the journey into your Higher Self (Zoom, Charlottesville and Midlothian, VA).

Photo by Heidi Goeman DiEugenio

I’m based in Virginia, and my hypnosis practice focuses on Psychosynthesis using Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

So, what is this exactly? In the words of one of my clients as they were in the deepest part of hypnosis: “I feel like I'm jacked up on wisdom.”

An individual experiences non-ordinary states of consciousness, as they are guided into their “next stage” or Higher Self.

I teach and facilitate energy healing, using Reiki as well as other Subtle and Super Subtle Energies. These practices were passed along to me by my Tibetan Buddhist teachers and Indigenous Healers in Tibet, India, China and the Pueblos of New Mexico, including the A:Shiwi.

Students and clients often participate in the Consciousness Explorer’s Club.

Today is the day you see new dimensions of reality. You experience life as never before, and gain awareness of who you are beyond what others have told you. The part of you that is fearless, compassionate, and wise beyond all definition emerges.

And life is never the same.

Photo by The Monroe Institute